Projeto ESDEUS

Acrónimo ESDEUS
Designação do projeto European Universities as Community Leaders of the Education for Sustainable Development
Referência 2023-1-PL01-KA220-HED-000156638
Financiador Programa Erasmus +
Data de início 01/10/2023
Data de conclusão 30/09/2025
Custo total elegível € 250.000

Investigador Responsável (IR) Ewa Kurantowicz

Investigador Responsável na UAlg António Fragoso, CEAD e FCHS, Universidade do Algarve
Entidade Proponente University of Lower Silesia, Polónia
Entidades Parceiras Universidade do Algarve (Portugal), Goeteborg Universitet (Suécia), Universitá Degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca (Itália).



The ESDEUS project focuses on the development of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at tertiary level (HE) in collaboration with external stakeholders and the local community. The activities and outcomes of the project can contribute to shared values, civic engagement and participation by promoting meaningful dialogue and engagement between stakeholders and the community by providing a platform for open dialogue and resource sharing. ESDEUS will stimulate innovative learning and teaching practices on ESD in higher education. Universities will learn how to overcome barriers in implementing ESD and engage in meaningful practices through the exchange of policies and practices. ESDEUS will provide a platform that enables the use of international and local resources to create interactive learning experiences that build on the knowledge and expertise of the local community. By engaging with external stakeholders and local communities, universities will foster an environment of collaboration, creativity and innovation in higher education, including flexible pathways and digital and hybrid modes of delivery, to further address the goal of widening participation and improving access to ESD.