European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA)
Education PermanentE
Adult Education Quarterly
Revista Interamericana de Educación de Adultos
Australian Journal of Adult Learning
International Journal od Lifelong Education
Rizoma Freiriano
The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education
Studies on the Education of Adults
ex aequo
Pedagogía Social. Revista Interuniversitaria
International Journal of Social Pedagogy
UNESCO Institute of Statistics
UNESCO – World Inequality Database on Education
UNESDOC Digital Library
Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research in the Education of Adults (SCUTREA)
Canadian Association for the study of adult education. association canadienne pour l’étude de l’éducation des adultes (CASAE/ACÉÉA)
American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE)
International Council for Adult Education (ICAE)
European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA)
Plataforma Eletrónica para a Educação de Adultos na Europa (EPALE)
Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação (PROALV)
Social Pedagogy Association (SPA)